Synopsis: Winstar World Championship Series (WWCS) is a spinoff brand for Winstar Casinos born to showcase the worlds first blackjack reality show and a major poker tournament. The challenge… build a web portal for the brand that also serves as companion mini-portals for both TV shows. Oh, and it needs to feature and sell merchandise for both shows separately. Mmkay?
What We Did: Design, Development, Content Management System, E-Commerce, Hosting
Approach: We designed the user interface based on the brand and built it all on a CMS platform to allow for nimble edits and updates to keep up with the air schedule for the shows. We added an e-commerce system that allowed merchandise sales with coupons, discounts and promo codes, independent tracking based on show, and hosted it on a high performance, high availability hosting solution we designed to keep up with dynamic scaling. Shows ran for a full season in the Dallas market (in case you were wondering).